Quantum Alchemy - contagious! 

a new perspective IS a new reality

presented by Anya Sophia Mann.

Quantum Alchemy is all about spirituality and the power of coaching. Anya's intuitive coaching ignites transformational shifts that catapult us to the highest and best of who we are, accelerating our personal, professional and spiritual growth and development. 

Each week Anya presents a unique blend of breakthrough transformational coaching with callers AND the latest in science and spirituality impacting how we live and work. 

The great thing is you can join us from anywhere in the world – you don’t need any internet connection to call in live to the show - just dial 818-495-6930 (USA) -but you do need a fast internet to listen to recorded shows.

Host and Producer: Anya Sophia Mann   Co-host: Ruth Hadikin

Quantum Alchemy Radio

Every Wednesday LIVE at 9am MST (Arizona Time)

 click here to check your time zone

click HERE to listen LIVE

or scroll down and browse the archives!


68. "Get Up!" with special guest Rodney Flowers


67. Dr. William Tiller: The Science of Spirituality

66. Have You Noticed The World Is Changing? How Can You Change With It?

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65. What Does A Happy, Healthy, Relationship Look And Feel Like?

21. Dina-Proctor-Interview

64. "Madly Chasing Peace" with special guest Dina Proctor


63. "Stella And The TimeKeepers" with special guest Mick Petersen


62. "Break These Chains of Love: A New Paradigm for Relationship" w/ Corinne Casazza

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61. "Science Proves A Connection Between Consciousness and Physical Reality!"

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60. "Do You Know The Brave, Courageous, Bold, Love of a Mother?"

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59. "How To Manifest? You've Got To Believe In Believing!"

58. "The Power of Intention" with Special Guest Judy O'Beirn

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57. "Gain Super Spiritual Strength For Your Kids and You" with Special Guest Suzy Miller

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56. "What Really Matters Most In Life?"

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55. "How Do We Deal With C.R.A.P.P.(Conditoned Reactions Against People and Places)?"

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54. "Intuitive Coaching Call-in with Anya Sophia Mann"

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53. "How Can Relationships Become More Harmonous?"


52. "Integrative Medicine, Science and Spirit"

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51. "Weaving The Wisdom of 50 Quantum Alchemy Radio Shows"

50. "No Storm Lasts Forever"

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49. "How To Become More Intuitive - Part 4"

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48. "How To Become More Intuitive - Part 3"

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47. "How To Become More Intuitive - Part 2"

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46. "How To Become More Intuitive"

45. "What Can You Do If Your World Turns Upside Down?"


44. "The Healing Power of Transformational Coaching"(Part 4)

43. "What Can Happen Exponentially When A Vision Seizes The Moments of Your Life"

42. "The Healing Power of Transformational Coaching"(Part 3)


41. "The Healing Power of Transformational Coaching"(Part 2)

40. "The Healing Power of Transformational Coaching"(Part 1)


39. "What Are The Akashic Records?"

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38. "Are We Our Own Miracle Waiting To Happen?"(#18 US)

37. "Is Happiness A Choice?"

Wendy Knight Agard

36. "Peaceful Leadership."


35. "Give Me A Child Until He Is Seven and I Will Show You The Man."(#20 US)

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34. The Magnificent YOU


33. Science and Spirituality: The Perfect Union

32. Hope, And It's Role In Our Life.

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31. What Is Spiritual Truth?

30. When Life Goes Wrong, What Can We Do?

29. Appreciation, Gratitude, Ease, and Grace. What Are The Distinctions?

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28. Intuition, Cosmology, Astrology how are they profoundly related? (#11 US)

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27. You Are Never, Ever, Alone (#10 US)

26. Emotional Intelligence: A Healing Antidote For Spiritual Bypass.

25. Quantum Living: The Power of YOU.

24. The Transformational Power of Coaching.

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23. Confidence: My Reward For Having Courage.

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22. What You’re Thinking Changes Everything: Experience The Power of YOUR Mind.

21. I Want To Know What LOVE Is!

20. ALL of OUR journey: birth, life, living, dying, death and love!

19. We are not alone: science shows we are a multiverse!

18. People With Vision, Mission, Purpose, Succeed and Excel in Life. What's Yours?


16. Healer? Healing? Heal? Is This Our Purpose In Life?

15. Who is the Dalai Lama? How is he bridging science and spirituality?


Soul Path Astrology With Ruth Hadikin #2

14. Afraid To Love Again? How Broken Hearts Can Heal And Love More.

13. Do We Even Know What Love Really Is? How Can Love Heal?

12. Bullying vs Compassion: how the roots of bullying can become seeds of compassion.

11. Do you have the signs of being telepathic? Science suggests we all do!

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Awakening The Spine with Dr. Mike Soloman

10. Who or What IS A Lightworker? What's The Meaning, Purpose, and Role of Lightworkers?

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Soul Path Astrology with Ruth Hadikin #1

9. What IS Your Passion? How To Make Money Aligned To Your Passion And Prosper!

8. Why Am I Here? Ruth Hadikin with Soul Path Astrology Reveals The Indicators To Our Personal Answers!

7. Who Is Anya Sophia Mann? What Does She Have In Common With Neale Donald Walsch?

6. What Does It Mean To 'Awaken', To Become More Conscious? What Are The Signs of Awakening?

5. The Multidimensional YOU - Access More of Who You Are!

4. The Best Tips For How To Navigate Difficult Relationships

3. Are You An Empath? Do You Feel Other People's Feelings? Why?

2. Quantum Relating: The New Relationship

1. Science Proves We Are Beings of Light


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Anya Sophia Mann