Point of Balance

by Anya Sophia Mann

YOU ARE the 'Point of Balance' in your/our world.

Can you imagine a world, starting with you, where people are conscious that they are the balance point for all that comes to you in your day? 

Whatever you choose to pick up, or take on, you are the one single central point that is balancing it.  Not as a burden, or 'another thing for me to do or take care of', it is more an awareness that you are your own balancing act.

Consciously choose with awareness what you pick up or take on because you will be balancing it to harmoniously fit in with the whole, in any moment. The way in which you hold yourself or posture yourself in the balance is vital and critical to the outcome. 

Consciously choosing to live a life of focused balance and holistic harmony, with awareness that you are the balance point, can result in living a life of pure presence in who you be.

"When you walk through the world in coherence, congruent and balanced, your every breath and your life force energy supports that state of being. We all can feel it from you. Your family, co-workers, community all can feel it from you."

When you walk through the world in coherence, congruent and balanced, your every breath and your life force energy supports that state of being. We all can feel it from you. Your family, co-workers, community all can feel it from you.

The Power of You to command with presence who you be in the world, will cause everything in your life to align to your dominant vibration of choosing balance. This alone will heighten your awareness of choice. Noticing as you move through your day, to what you will or will not give your attention, with your full energy, time and focus.

Imagine deciding today to live from your core presence in balance and harmony with what you consciously choose to orchestrate like a symphony with your life. What an inspiration for others to naturally want to do the same. Underneath it all, we all want to live in harmony from the inside out.

This video shows the power of who we can all be. The focus on a white feather with Miyoko Shido Rigolo's pure presence and awareness allowed everything else to attune and align, as she allowed her self to be the balance point. We can be this for ourselves and each other. 

I leave you with a question that serves me well since seeing this video, using the symbol of a white feather:

Where is your focused intention that everything else is aligning around?

For example at this time mine is "clarity and loving kindness". All my decisions are based on that premise. In other words, whatever I choose to do, can I be clear in it? And is it kind and loving toward myself and others? 

white feather

What is your white feather?  Balance with focused intent and conscious awareness all that you choose to bring in around that.  You ARE the point of balance in all that you choose to live with.

Be light … in love!


A  N E W  W O R L D  Blogging With Anya

Anya Sophia MannAnya Mann is a  Visionary Intuitive Consultant, Quantum Alchemy Coach,  Author and Speaker. She supports individuals and businesses in doing more of what they love (and came here to do) by creating environments for the conscious evolution of body, mind and soul. For details of classes, workshops and other events with Anya join her mailing list. She also offers individual Sessions and  personal Coaching and Mentoring.

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Anya Sophia Mann