Unwavering Strength is US!

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Please WATCH and SHARE this video and BUY this book!

YOU are part of this epic movement of spirit in the recognition of the 'unwavering strength' of humanity.

Do you know someone who has a story to share? 

SHARING IS CARING and we all need that now!

Please COMMENT below in support of everyone who is moving through challenging times and needs to be reminded that together we ARE unwavering strength.

The time has come to share our lives with and for each other in the evolution of humanity in unity and oneness.

Be light … in love!


A  N E W  W O R L D  Blogging With Anya

Anya MannAnya Sophia Mann is a  Visionary Intuitive Consultant, Quantum Alchemy Coach,  Author and Speaker. She supports individuals and businesses in doing more of what they love (and came here to do) by creating environments for the conscious evolution of body, mind and soul. For details of classes, workshops and other events with Anya join her mailing list. She also offers individual Sessions and  personal Coaching and Mentoring.

The Unwavering Strength book series, created by Judy O'Beirn, is a compilation of true stories from real people in real-life situations who have experienced exceptionally difficult and/or challenging times, to discover how they found that it was an unwavering inner strength that carried them through, even though they may not have been aware of it at the time. 

In the Unwavering Strength Radio Show, host Anya Sophia Mann, dialogues with each of the co-authors as they share the behind-the-scenes of their story of courage to confidence. For more about Unwavering Strength Radio, including all shows, archives and downloads, sign up for Quantum Alchemy News. "Unwavering Strength is YOU" poem written and read by Anya Sophia Mann.

Music "Easy Lemon" by Kevin MacLeod ©Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0

This video was created and produced by Anya Sophia Mann with technical support from Ruth Hadikin. ©Anya Sophia Mann. All rights reserved.

©Anya Sophia Mann 1998-2015. All rights reserved. Web Design by ANYA - Web Building by Ruth. Webheader image: © Dan Collier | Dreamstime.com 
Anya Sophia Mann