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Anya Sophia Mann is a  Visionary Intuitive Consultant, Quantum Alchemy Coach,  Author and Speaker. She supports individuals and businesses in doing more of what they love (and came here to do) by creating environments for the conscious evolution of body, mind and soul. For details of classes, workshops and other events with Anya join her mailing list. She also offers individual Sessions and  personal Coaching and Mentoring.

Anya is a Master Intuitive, Visionary Intuitive Consultant, Author, Coach and Speaker with over 25 years experience in the field of human development. She is author of the Amazon international bestseller "In The Light of A New Day", a co-author in the #1 Amazon international bestseller "Unwavering Strength" and is Founder and current Editor of LifeCoachingMagazine.NET an online magazine that aims to bring the practical skills and benefits of coaching (as an advanced form of communication) into our everyday lives. 

Since childhood, Anya has been aware of the multi-dimensional spiritual nature of life, in its many forms, and respects that all forms are essentially energy. Being Highly Energetically Aware (HEA) gives her a deep sense of energy patterns and a unique perspective from where she is able to optimize systems: whether they be your physical body, family, team, business or corporation.

"Thank you for shining the light of your wisdom on my family. We are, like many people, treading warily along the path of life, but you are an exceptional human, with extraordinary insight into the human condition. I am profoundly grateful that you have chosen to illuminate our path in this lifespan."

Crystal Clear Insight From A Higher Perpsective

Anya's unique perspective is a catalyst for shifts that can change our culture, and our world. She looks for a shift in perspective that can shift a person’s reality around a person, place or situation that they’re stuck with.  When she brings her visionary intuitive perspective to any issue, she is like a laser beam in that she is able to be a clear, conscious channel for coherent light. Something shifts and Quantum Alchemy happens. Her clients often can't explain what just happened but they are never the same again!

With over 25 years experience of coaching, consulting and mentoring, in a variety of formats and contexts, the one constant in her style is leading from deep inner knowing in both her personal and professional life.

Lead With Your Heart

Anya masterfully coaches leaders of leaders, teachers of teachers, healers of healers, and heart-centered entrepreneurs into new thought, mindfulness, and new ways of being in the world. She is a pioneer of heart-centered leadership and entrepreneurship. People say 'follow your heart', Anya proposes that you lead with your heart. Anya is laser-like in evoking your uniqueness. She believes your uniqueness IS your success. She facilitates international workshops, and retreats, for leaders of all disciplines. She offers coaching, consulting and mentoring services and is available for public speaking.

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Anya Sophia Mann