#1 Love Heals

#1   Love Heals (16:26 mins)

This Quantum Journey is intended to remind you of love. The love that you are here to feel within yourself. And, to share with others. If you have known any kind of love, you have also known loss. Life is impermanent. Love is eternal. Allow this Quantum Journey to create a space of love within which you will experience exactly what is needed. From there you will know how to let love lead and heal in your life.

"Thank you for this recording. It was what I really needed this evening. I melted into my chair with headphones. 

This helped me to relax tonight." 

- Clare, UK.

$ 9.99 US dollars

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Vocals Anya Sophia Mann. Lyrics ©Anya Sophia Mann 2013
Music: Fluidscape by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

©Anya Sophia Mann 1998-2015. All rights reserved. Web Design by ANYA - Web Building by Ruth. Webheader image: © Dan Collier | Dreamstime.com 
Anya Sophia Mann