Born Connected: Life In The World of A Visionary Intuitive

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"Born Connected: Life In The World of a Visionary Intuitive" is an autobiographical account of Anya's experience of being highly energetically aware, and how her multi-dimensional perspective has allowed her to benefit people in myriads of ways.

This is not only the story about the extraordinary in her ordinary life, but of how compassion and a sincere heartfelt desire to be of service has time and again placed her with people and places so she can be of higher service. The book shows the many situations in which Anya's work brings her in contact with people: from facilitating a residential workshop for emotional release and reconnection, to sitting beside the stranger on an airplane who was taking pills for a suicide attempt. The underlying theme is one of healing and connection. 

The reader is taken on a journey of seeing the world through Anya's eyes in which they arrive at a deeper understanding of the healing power of love and the inherent power that every one of us has, to make a difference. Through this unique behind the scenes perspective we come to understand that we are all here for a reason, that there are no accidents  (every 'chance' meeting with anybody being highly synchronistic), that we are all connected and, above all, that loving kindness heals.

Reading this book will shift your perspective. As you begin to see reality through Anya's eyes, you too will develop a wider perception which will shift your perspective, and THAT will shift your reality. It can't not!

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