The AMAYA MethodTM Certification Program

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The AMAYA MethodTM: Enlightened Leadership Through Self-Empowerment

A three-month certification program that qualifies you to offer the AMAYA methodTM to your clients.

This is a private coaching and mentoring program, which means you can sign up right away - there is no registration date. This makes it ideal for people who want to begin immediately and get certified quickly.

The Program:

  • 9 weeks over 3 months (over 540 hours learning)
  • One to one coaching and mentoring with Anya Sophia Mann
  • The program is delivered by phone and email which means you can participate from anywhere - internationally
  • On completion you receive the AMAYA methodTM Certificate

the AMAYA methodTM

AMAYA means ‘beyond illusion’

The name AMAYA is an acronym for:

Awakening Mindful Awareness You Actualize’

the AMAYA methodTM for enlightened leadership is a tool for developing the potential of leaders and coaches of the future through mindful awareness.

the AMAYA methodTM for enlightened leadership uses mindfulness techniques to create a powerful experiential learning environment which enables leaders and coaches to: 

  • master advanced communication and relating skills
  • enhance performance
  • accelerate growth
  • inspire others to reach their highest potential
  • develop mindful awareness and presencing in oneself and others
  • experience inner transformation
  • move towards self-actualization

With the AMAYA methodTM certification you have a practical coaching certification that includes proven techniques for facilitating the process of self-empowerment in others. You can use this immediately to effectively coach your clients in all aspects of self-empowerment including (but not limited to) communication, confidence-building and leadership.

Registration and Fees

Before registering schedule a 25-minute telephone conversation with Anya,  to determine whether the AMAYA methodTM  certification program is right for you at this time: email

To register click on the Paypal button below and make your payment:

$2,500 US dollars - pay in full (preferred)
Two payments:     $1,250 now  and a second payment of $1,250   1 month from now.

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Anya Sophia Mann