Other Videos by Anya

In this 10 minute video (below) Anya is reading an original article she wrote for Life Coaching Magazine about Nonda Chomokos, otherwise known as “Mr C”, who was Principal of her grandchildren’s school at the time. He hugged every single child, every day, as they entered the school.

In these next videos (parts 1 and 2 below) Anya is reading and commenting on an original article called “Everyday Life Coaching” which she wrote for Life Coaching Magazine

In the next video (below) Anya is reading and commenting on an original article called “Up-Language: A Powerful Coaching Tool” which she wrote for Life Coaching Magazine. 

In this next video (below) Anya is reading and commenting on an original article called “What If A Billion People Change A Single Thought?” which she wrote for Life Coaching Magazine. 

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Anya Sophia Mann