Coaching and Consulting with Anya

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Do you want to shift your reality?   Shift your perspective!

Professional coaching, mentoring and consulting for personal, professional  and business matters. Quantum Alchemy Coaching is a unique coaching process that supports you in living from a deep connection to core Self resulting in greater competency in key areas such as communication, relating, intuition, self-awareness, emotional and spiritual intelligence.

"You need someone who can inspire you to be what you know you can be" 

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Anya works with professionals from diverse fields such as psychology, medicine, healthcare, finance, business, sales and marketing, education, art, writing, publishing, music, dance and performing arts, police and fire services, technology, holistic and alternative therapies, and more. What they have in common is a deep desire for authentic living and being, and a committment to bring more of who they really are to their personal and professional lives.

Anya Mann

30-minute Complementary Quantum Alchemy Coaching Call

Quantum Alchemy Coaching and/or Mentoring with Anya begins with a complementary 30-minute session to determine coachability, chemistry and compatibility for an ongoing coaching relationship. 

Are you ready? … now?

Schedule 30-minutes with Anya,  to determine if the time is now for a coaching/mentoring relationship… 

by sending her an email describing the three top reasons why you are considering coaching at this time.

Create the space for something to be different...

Momentum builds over time through the unfolding Quantum Alchemy Coaching process. The ongoing relationship generates a powerful stable and coherent energetic field in which healing, growth, learning, creativity and evolution can happen.  Anya describes this as, "the space for something to be different".

©Anya Sophia Mann 1998-2015. All rights reserved. Web Design by ANYA - Web Building by Ruth. Webheader image: © Dan Collier | 
Anya Sophia Mann