Gems for YOU: Daily Gems of Wisdom (Book 1)

by Anya Sophia Mann


AS we navigate our way through this journey of life, sometimes we just need a little nudge along the way to be reminded that we already know how precious we are.

These Gems provide just that: a short and powerful Gem of wisdom, that might just drop in at the perfect moment, exactly when you needed to hear it!

"Love these little quotes, bite size explanations, questions to ponder and easy examples which takes just moments to thread your whole day with positive loving energy!!" - Deb Scott, Amazon Review.

This book is a collection from the Daily Gems of Wisdom that the author sends out daily to her mailing list. In this book she has taken each Gem, expounded on it, and also provided a question to ponder with an example, so it becomes a practical tool for personal and spiritual growth.

Let these Gems of wisdom guide you on a daily basis.

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