read how QA Café reservations work CLICK HERE

Power Pods

The Power of YOU with Anya Sophia Mann

QA Cafe power pods2

Small, intensive, immersion groups 

  • Each pod limited to 4-8 people
  • Direct one on one coaching with Anya
  • Form your own private pod or join a pre-existing pod (space permitting)

Power Pods are powered by YOU - here's how:
- Click on an image below to reserve your seat!
- Scroll over an image, if your cursor changes from an arrow to a hand it's clickable.
- If a pod image isn't 'clickable' it's not open for reservations just yet.
- When 4-8 people are in a pod it will 'activate'.
- You will receive an email when your pod becomes active.
- Days, dates, times are agreed upon by pod members
- If you have had a reservation for over 8 weeks and that pod hasn't become active you can transfer to another pod that is about to 'ripen'!

QA Cafe AUTHORStransparent25 copyQA Cafe PACKtransparent25QA Cafe IntuitionQA Cafe Emotiontransparent25QA Cafe TEEtransparent25 copyQA Cafe astrology

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Anya Sophia Mann