Welcome to the Quantum Alchemy Café, an interactive environment to enlighten, educate and inspire!

  • Are you ready... to live a higher vision of YOU?
  • Are you ready... to release all limiting beliefs about you?
  • Are you ready… to fully embrace your power?
  • Are you ready... to take the lead in your life?
  • Are you ready... to become your future?
  • Are you ready... to align with your Soul Purpose?
  • Are you ready... to be who you were born to be?
  • Are you ready?

If you are waking up to the knowing that you are more than you have been, then grab a cuppa tea or coffee and hang out for a while, the Quantum Alchemy Café is for YOU!

Personal, professional and spiritual development through enlightened conversations...

The QA Café is a so much more than a place to connect, engage and have all your intuitive questions answered - it is also a rich learning environment with live hangouts, podcasts, mp3 recordings, links, resources and much, much, more to support you in learning, growing, expanding and developing your communication and coaching skills, self awareness, emotional and spiritual intelligence, intuition and relating skills! All designed to support and enhance your ongoing personal, professional and spiritual development so that you can reach your highest potential and shine your brightest light in the world!

The delicious menu offerings in the QA Café are facilitated by Anya Sophia Mann. Anya is a visionary intuitive for the collective consciousness of the heart and soul of the new humanity. Through personal and group coaching, podcasts, hangouts, webinars, and workshops she quantum leaps people awakening into living the New Humanity of heart and soul centered entrepreneurs, professionals and leaders.

Hang out with Anya and friends in the enlightened environment of the QA Café

QA Café Menu

Below is the delicious QA Café Menu! 

Click on any image for more information and to make a reservation . . . If an image isn't 'clickable' that section isn't open just yet, please try later . . .

read how QA Café reservations work CLICK HERE

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©Anya Sophia Mann 1998-2015. All rights reserved. Web Design by ANYA - Web Building by Ruth. Webheader image: © Dan Collier | Dreamstime.com 
Anya Sophia Mann