A   NEW   WORLD Blogging With Anya

Being A LightWorker

Being A LightWorker

by Anya Sophia Mann

You are light dancing with, and through, the shadows in this world to raise the frequncy and 'light up' so many of the shadow expressions.

Human Emotions

Human Emotions

by Anya Sophia Mann

Relationships spark our emotions because they are meant to. The dance of relationship is to maximize and magnify human emotions. Intimate …

What Is A Visionary Intuitive?

What Is A Visionary Intuitive?

by Anya Sophia Mann

This question was recently asked on my Facebook page and since I am writing a book called "Born Connected: Life In The World …

Raw. Intimate. Real.

Raw. Intimate. Real.

by Anya Sophia Mann

As part of a short survey for the forthcoming QA Café, I asked people what challenges they have experienced in their own personal, …

What If … ?!

What If … ?!

by Anya Sophia Mann

What if . . . you are here to expand your mind? 

What if . . . you are here to open your heart? . . . more!

What if you are here to 'create-…

Peace Begins With Me

Peace Begins With Me

by Anya Sophia Mann

The words “peace begins with me” shot like a heat-seeking missile to my heart, when I saw a picture that was going around the internet. …

Love Is A Knowing, A Feeling, A Connection

Love Is A Knowing, A Feeling, A Connection

by Anya Sophia Mann

When you fall in love you are falling in love with yourself in the eyes of the other. It is love coming back to …

Unwavering Strength is US!

jo-usebook-ebook-1-256 175


Please WATCH and SHARE this video and BUY this book!

YOU are part of this epic movement of spirit …

Point of Balance

by Anya Sophia Mann

YOU ARE the 'Point of Balance' in your/our world.

Can you imagine a world, starting with you, where people are conscious that they are the balance point for …

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Anya Sophia Mann